joseph quinn movies and tv shows

joseph quinn movies and tv shows

 Joseph Quinn is a British actor best known for his role as Eddie Munson in the popular TV series *Stranger Things* (Season 4). Here’s a list of some of the notable movies and TV shows he has appeared in:

### TV Shows:

1. **Stranger Things (2022 - )** - Played Eddie Munson, a significant character in Season 4.

2. **Catherine the Great (2019)** - Portrayed Tsarevich Pavel, Catherine’s son.

3. **Les Misérables (2019)** - Played Enjolras in this BBC adaptation of the famous novel.

4. **Game of Thrones (2017)** - Had a minor role as Koner in Season 7.

5. **Howards End (2017)** - Played Leonard Bast in this miniseries based on the novel by E.M. Forster.

6. **Dickensian (2015-2016)** - Appeared as Arthur Havisham in this series that combines various Charles Dickens characters.

### Movies:

1. **Overlord (2018)** - Played Grunauer in this World War II horror film.

2. **Make Up (2019)** - Played Tom in this British psychological thriller.

Joseph Quinn's role as Eddie Munson in *Stranger Things* brought him widespread recognition, but he has had a diverse career with appearances in various period dramas and genre films.

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