Kamala Harris VP Selection Has Deep Ties with China, but Beijing Might Not Be Pleased

Kamala Harris’ vice-presidential selection has sparked significant discussion due to her deep ties with China, yet recent developments suggest Beijing might not be entirely pleased with this relationship.

Kamala Harris, during her tenure as California’s Attorney General and later as a U.S. Senator, established strong connections with Chinese entities. Her office worked closely with Chinese technology companies on various initiatives, including technology and environmental projects. Harris's professional network includes numerous interactions with Chinese officials and businesses, which has raised eyebrows in both U.S. and Chinese political circles.

Despite these connections, recent geopolitical tensions and policy shifts may dampen Beijing’s enthusiasm. The Biden administration, with Harris as a key figure, has adopted a more assertive stance towards China compared to previous administrations. This includes confronting Beijing on issues like trade practices, human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Harris has been vocal about these issues, emphasizing a firm approach to China’s policies and practices that are seen as detrimental to U.S. interests.

Moreover, recent legislative actions and executive orders under the Biden administration reflect a strategic pivot away from accommodation towards a more competitive and confrontational stance. This shift has included strengthening alliances with other nations to counter China’s growing influence, which could undermine Harris's previous engagements with Chinese entities.

In essence, while Harris' past connections with China are notable, the current geopolitical climate and the Biden administration’s policies indicate that Beijing might find less alignment and more contention in their relationship with the U.S. under her vice-presidency.

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