muslim girl names from quran

 Here are some beautiful Muslim girl names that are mentioned in the Quran:

1. **Aisha** (عائشة) - "Alive" or "living," also the name of Prophet Muhammad's wife.

2. **Maryam** (مريم) - "Mary," mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus), and one of the most revered women in Islam.

3. **Fatimah** (فاطمة) - "Weaning," also the name of Prophet Muhammad's daughter.

4. **Khadijah** (خديجة) - "Premature child" or "early baby," also the name of Prophet Muhammad's first wife.

5. **Zainab** (زينب) - "Fragrant flower" or "beautiful plant," also the name of one of Prophet Muhammad's daughters.

6. **Sara** (سارة) - "Pure" or "happy," also the name of Prophet Ibrahim's wife.

7. **Asma** (أسماء) - "Exalted" or "lofty," also the name of a daughter of Abu Bakr, the first Caliph.

8. **Ruqayyah** (رقية) - "Rise" or "ascent," also the name of one of Prophet Muhammad's daughters.

9. **Hafsa** (حفصة) - "Gathering," also the name of one of Prophet Muhammad's wives.

10. **Amina** (آمنة) - "Trustworthy" or "faithful," also the name of Prophet Muhammad's mother.

These names are not only mentioned in the Quran but are also significant in Islamic history, often belonging to the family and companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) .

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