gimkit,gimkit live,host gimkit ,gimkit home,How to start gimkit game?

 Here's how you can start a game on Gimkit:gimkit,gimkit live,host gimkit ,gimkit home,How to start gimkit game?

### 1. **Sign in to Gimkit**

   - Go to [Gimkit's website](

   - Sign in with your teacher account. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one.

### 2. **Create or Choose a Kit**

   - Once signed in, you’ll be taken to your dashboard.

   - You can either **create a new kit** by clicking on "New Kit" and adding questions, or **choose an existing kit** from your library or the featured kits.

### 3. **Select Game Mode**

   - After selecting a kit, click on "Play" to choose a game mode.

   - Gimkit offers various game modes like **Classic**, **Team Mode**, **Trust No One (Among Us style)**, **Fishtopia**, and more. Select the mode you want to use.

### 4. **Set Up the Game**

   - Depending on the game mode, you can customize game settings such as time limits, starting cash, power-ups, and other options.

   - Once you're done with the settings, click "Continue."

### 5. **Share the Game Code**

   - After setting up the game, Gimkit will generate a game code.

   - Share this code with your students. They can join the game by going to and entering the code.

### 6. **Start the Game**

   - Once your students have joined the game, you'll see them listed in the lobby.

   - Click "Start Game" when everyone is ready.

### 7. **Monitor and Control the Game**

   - During the game, you can monitor the progress and view live stats.

   - You can end the game at any time or let it run until the set conditions are met (time limit, cash goal, etc.).

That's it! The game will run according to the settings you selected, and students will participate using their devices.

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